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We're Available 24 Hours a Day
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Visit Us

108 E Main St

Gillett, WI

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Gruetzmacher Funeral Home Logo

Burial Services

Burial Services

Compassionate Care
Available 24 Hours a Day
Personalized Options

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Creating a ceremony that calls together the hearts and minds of all who loved your loved one is a gift to everyone involved. A gift of memories, a gift of healing...a gift of a lifetime. We hope that you'll honor your loved one in a way that you can look back, years from now, and be thankful that you did the best you could to honor the life of someone you cared for.We invite you to contact us to consult with one of our directors.
When your loved one has chosen to be buried, there are a variety of styles of service to choose from that revolve around the casket being present. You could choose a traditional viewing and service in the chapel of choice. Or you could decide to have a more relaxed memorial service.

A private service at the graveside could then follow these more public gatherings. We're here to listen to your concerns, share our experience and help you choose the most appropriate ways to gather together, prior to your loved one's interment in a cemetery of your choice.

Funeral Services

Coming together with friends and family, whether in a formal funeral or a more relaxed memorial service, gives everyone the opportunity to share memories, express emotions and find comforting support. Whether you choose burial or cremation, the need for acknowledgement of the loss with family and friends is important. Together we can create a unique meaningful ceremony to express the genuine individuality and personality of your loved one.

Gruetzmacher Funeral Home & Cremation Services offers families a serene setting to gather for those who wish to honor your loved one. We can assist you with catering options and find an offsite facility to help you create an event that will be long remembered. A service that will make a difference in the lives of all who attend. 

To learn more about designing your funeral, click here
Our Staff Also Provides the Following Services
We will prepare an obituary to be published for your loved one.

Veteran's Benefits
We will help you secure your potential veterans benefits, such as burial flags, government markers, memorial certificate and a burial plot.

Social Security
We will notify the Social Security Administration of the death. We will explain and help you apply for any benefits you may be entitled to through Social Security.

Death Certificates
We will help you in obtaining certified copies of the death certificate which can be important for financial institutions and insurance purposes.  

After Care
Sometimes the loss of a loved one can be especially painful. We understand that the grieving process does not end with the funeral. We are here not only to help arrange the funeral, but to help families cope with the loss of their loved one. There are a wide variety of grief resources available and we will help to point you in the right direction and begin the healing process.

Available 24 Hours A Day

Second Generation Family Owned and Operated

(920) 842-2151

(920) 842-2151
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